Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Performance Benchmarks for ROI on CDs

Pssst! How would you like a 250 times return on your investment??? Can’t verify most of the numbers but the trend is clear. Now if I was advising the sovereign wealth funds, I would say screw the financial markets, client data CDs is where the money’s at.

In 2008, the German government used about €5 million to buy the infamous LGT CD. That stolen client data was used to gross about €200 million in back taxes and fines. So a ROI of 40 times!!!!,1518,675723,00.html

Now I can’t keep track of all the CDs on the market and all the “over-the-counter” CD transactions, but consider the Julius Baer German Tax settlement. The return was a whopping €50m!!!! Was the purchase price of this CD only €180000??? Perhaps a little disappointing since there were estimates of recovering some €75-100m in taxes…but 50 cents on the dollar isn’t bad.

The economics of law: no crime was charged, the bank wasn’t admitting guilt, yet we have a huge “extraordinary charge” on the books. Just another cost of doing business fee?

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