Tuesday, March 16, 2010

UBS Trust CEO For Hire

Pointless but I think it's kinda of funny...

Either someone is playing a joke on old Raymond or he's a little careless (or there are issues): http://sg.linkedin.com/pub/raymond-gwee/19/384/198

What kind of Head puts: "Interested In: career opportunities" on their LinkedIn page??

Shouldn't that be interested in "retirement" opportunities Ray? For those not in the Singapore trust arena, Raymond has done a lot for the industry and deserves nothing but the grandest of retirement parties that UBS can throw when he does eventually retire.

Have you searched for your employees on LinkedIn? Are they interested in career opportunities and uploaded their CV for the world to see? Looking for staff? In many places, such open flirtation with the enemy is frowned upon. However, in Singapore, recruiting is a rather open affair. In fact, large companies should have a room blocked, like a smoking area, so their employees can meet with headhunters and recruiters so not have them call in sick or disappear for hours on end. They are typing their CVs and calling agents on company time anyway, so why not make it easy for those who want to leave and make it easier for those who to join? Have open-house days once a month, where interested prospects can come in and meet with your hiring managers like university and college recruiters. Why waste time with ads and agencies and just cut to the chase. Instead of all this stop-and-go, hide-and-seek business, let's just play musical chairs out in the open. No use pretending the game doesn't exists just because it's done outside the office.

1 comment:

Magdalena Masluk-Meller said...

Funny. Just last week, one friend of mine was calling HR departments in the US asking them if they have open house, just like you described. There was one answer only: please apply online.