Monday, January 19, 2009

Addition by subtraction?

Barclays Wealth hires away "Ms Piggy" from a local HK bank who was head of private banking and trust services.

While Ms Piggy was a fine private banker, her mismanagement of the trust business is legendary in certain circles. Never had a profitable year under her direction and turnstile of trust dept heads. A fine brand name and platform but management lacked the sensitivity and insight to drive the business....strange considering the success of of their parent group in the trust business. A little inbreeding would have helped. The business was treated as an afterthought to the banking business instead of an integral part of it. Not really her fault....tells you about the mentality and nickle & dime attitude of senior management.

Another lession for CEO's not to put bankers/investment people in charge of the trust business. You wouldn't put David Beckham on your Olympic water polo team just because he excelled in his field and was a good athlete would you? No, you get a real water polo player and you don't let your football coach hire the polo player either.

Now that she has trusts out of her portfolio, I'm sure Ms Piggy will do wonders for Barclays.

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